Service for depositing and withdrawing USDT


  • Speed

    Instant and secure transactions

  • Accessibility

    The ability to quickly share the other title units

  • Convenience

    Pay at more than 100 000 online stores worldwide

  • Security

    Service WebMoney Escrow for transactions protection, service WebMoney Arbitration for resolving disputes

Overview of external markets

ExchangeRate, USDVolum per 24 h., USDTVolume at Depth -2%Volume at Depth +2%
Coinbase 0.9989 473 907 549 2 003 460 usd за 2 004 503 usdt 2 148 724 usdt за 2 145 792 usd
Kraken 0.9990 154 725 283 7 625 349 usd за 7 618 791 usdt 4 585 253 usdt за 4 552 453 usd 0.9990 7 492 411 5 080 685 usd за 5 078 870 usdt 5 542 506 usdt за 5 523 499 usd
BTSE 0.9989 1 800 472 5 545 967 usd за 5 546 778 usdt 5 578 742 usdt за 5 566 649 usd
AscendEX 0.9990 226 164 28 785 usd за 28 773 usdt 36 375 usdt за 36 285 usd 1.2731 19 409 176 166 usd за 137 197 usdt 239 654 usdt за 300 788 usd
YObit 1.0049 7 172 4 848 usd за 4 786 usdt 45 852 usdt за 45 490 usd
CEX.IO 1.0001 200 2 669 162 usd за 2 654 860 usdt 2 668 986 usdt за 2 654 686 usd